Safety level

Safety Matters


Our blog discussing workplace safety opportunities in Nova Scotia and around the world.

Talking Ticks: Learn the steps to prevent Lyme disease this summer!
Ticks are a risk throughout most of the year, feeding whenever temperatures rise above 4 degrees Celsius. In the summer, however, larvae and nymphs become more active. This, coupled with heavier foliage in wooded areas and spending more time outdoors, mean humans are at an increased risk for contracting Lyme disease.

Putting all paws on deck for dog bite prevention
When it comes to potential risks in the workplace, dogs aren’t often the first hazard to come to mind. Yet, many jobs require that workers know how to safely deal with animals, both wild and domestic.

Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk: Improving Safety Outcomes at the ACMHC
Nestled in the meadows surrounding the base of North Mountain in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, the Annapolis County Municipal Housing Corporation (ACMHC) is an idyllic scene of tranquility and respite. But don’t let the rustic setting fool you – while Mountain Lea Lodge and the Meadows ARC certainly evoke feelings of simplicity and lightheartedness, the organization is at the forefront of progressive workplace safety strategies that are changing the way residential care is provided.

Day of Mourning honours workers who died, were injured or became ill on the job
On April 28, we remember those who have died, were injured or became ill at work. The Day of Mourning offers employees and employers a chance to publicly renew their commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace.

Fishing safety campaign uses children’s artwork to drive the message home
The message of "who do you wear your PFD for" taken to fishing communities from Eastern Passage to Digby and all points in between along the province’s southwest coastline

New mobile app provides health and safety information to promote safe work
A new mobile app from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety provides health and safety information to promote safe work

Leadership Matters
Close to 150 safety leaders, including many CEOs, met in Halifax to strengthen their commitment to workplace safety

Small and Medium-Sized Business Workplace Safety Workshop
An event that covered topics such as fishing safety, the small business safety toolkit, safety mentoring, and education and training in health and community services.

Warehouse Symposium
An event to share best practices in warehouse and materials management

Global Ergonomics Month
This month draws attention to the importance of fitting the job to the worker to avoid unnecessary workplace injuries.

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