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Safety Matters


Our blog discussing workplace safety opportunities in Nova Scotia and around the world.

Take the sting out of summer

While the summer season is typically a time when many Nova Scotians step back and relax after the rigours of a long winter, it’s still important to be aware of warm-weather safety hazards, and take steps to reduce risk.

Sun safety

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, Nova Scotia has some of the highest rates of melanoma in Canada. To reduce your risk, cover up with hats, pants and long sleeves, and always wear sunglasses with UV protection.  Use a sunscreen and lip balm with at least an SPF 30, and spend time in the shade or indoors during breaks. Be sure to report any changes in your skin or suspicious moles to your doctor. Learn more about how to work safely in the sun, here.


Dog Bite Prevention


The risk of dog bites for home-visit workers increases during the summer, as more pets spend time outside. Even the friendliest dog can become territorial when a stranger approaches their home. While it’s up to pet owners to make sure their property is safe for home-visit workers, being prepared is always the best approach.


According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, you can protect yourself from being attacked or bitten on the job, by:

  • Resisting the urge to give treats to dogs, no matter how friendly the animal may seem to be.
  • Keeping a safe distance between you and the dog even if it is on a leash.
  • Avoid approaching a dog that is sleeping, barking, snarling, eating or caring for puppies. If they feel vulnerable they may fight to protect their territory.
  • If you believe a dog is about to attack, position yourself so that you have something between you and the dog, such as a tree, bench, post, backpack or bicycle.
  • Don't run past a dog as it will naturally want to chase and catch you.
  • Never approach a dog that appears to be in pain.

Take the sting out of summer

While many insect stings cause only mild pain and swelling, others can be more serious and require medical attention, especially for people with specific allergies. Insects like bees, wasps or hornets can also be a dangerous distraction while driving or working outdoors. Reduce your risk of getting stung this summer, by:

  • Keeping an eye out for nests
  • Wear long sleeves, pants and closed-toe shoes
  • Avoid wearing bright colours, as these tend to attract stinging insects
  • Avoid swatting at bees or wasps; stay still until they pass by
  • If a bee or wasp flies into your vehicle, find a safe place to stop, open windows and doors
  • Avoid wearing scented products

Find more information and prevention tips, here.

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