Fishing Safety Toolkit

Fishing safety does not just happen on the water. It happens in supply stores, processing plants, at the dock, and in community spaces all around us. We all play a role in making safety a priority this season.
Use these resources in your workplace to show your commitment to fishing safety, and encourage others to follow safety guidelines before they leave the shore.

Social Posts

Help raise awareness of fishing safety on social media. Create a post using our social graphic on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Suggested Post Content:

1: When you make PFDs mandatory for your crew, you’re also looking out for the kids, spouses and family members who love them.

2: Wear a PFD for your kids, your partner and best friend who rely on you. Protecting your family means protecting yourself.

3: Wear your PFD for your sister, your granddad, and the kids you coach. Stay safe on the water so you can come home safely.

Option 1

Option 2

Message for Captains

Share this message in communications you have with captains: 

As Captain of your vessel, your crew is depending on you to put safety first. When you make safety a priority for your crew, you’re also looking out for the kids, spouses, and family members who love them.

Commit to these safety practices:

  1. PFDs are mandatory for all crew members.
  2. Keep Your Crew Informed: Crew knows where everything is located and how to operate all equipment and electronics on board.
  3. Practice Safety Drills: Practice protocols like the evacuation procedure to help reduce panic in an emergency.
  4. Use a Pre-Sailing Checklist: Every time you leave shore, complete a safety checklist to ensure equipment and supplies are stored properly, in working condition, and easy to access.
  5. Check weather conditions before you leave the shore: If conditions are stormy, consider a delayed departure.

Email and Web Banners

Download and use these banners on your website or include it in your emails to show your commitment to fishing safety.

Option 1

Option 2

Background for Video Calls

Remind those on your video call about your commitment to fishing safety.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4